Borders Dumfries and Galloway Scenic Cycle Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameBorders Dumfries and Galloway Scenic Cycle
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationHawick
End LocationHawick
Cycle Steps
1. Beautiful, scenic, Hilly route from the Borders into Dumfries and Galloway and back into the Borders. A lot of up hills which seem to go on quite long followed by fast and windey downs. The whole route is very picturesque! hard to beat so take your camera with you! Roads mainly in good condition (as cycling country should be) and there are a few faster windy roads later on in the route.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Too many to mention all, but our stops were:- Newcastleton for tea and scones/toasted teacakes, Samye Ling (Budest Monastery near Eskdalemuir)tearoom for Lunch and Tushielaw Inn. Also look out for the Hugh MacDiarmid Memorial Sculpture (in form of open book) and Malcolm Monument just before Langholm on minor road.