Swinstead to Holywell Circuit Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSwinstead to Holywell Circuit
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationSwinstead (B1176)
End LocationSwinstead (B1176)
Cycle Steps
1. This is a road route, on a mix of B roads and country lanes, with some very nice scenery and some moderately difficult hills. You can obviously start anywhere on the route and go either clockwise or anti clockwise. If you go anticlockwise, Swinstead to Swayfield direction, there are 2 very fast downhill sections, where you could hit anywhere around 50mph, if you don't freewheel. But you also need to beware of potholes and awful road surface out of Swinstead and around Creeton. Obviously, going clockwise, Swinstead to Creeton direction, the 2 downhill sections become uphill slogs.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Royal Oak Inn, fast hill before Castle Bytham, Castle in C. Bytham, Holywell, Willougby Arms in Little Bytham, disgusting road surface at Creeton.
