Sevenoaks to Caterham Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSevenoaks to Caterham
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationLondon Road (A224), Sevenoaks
End LocationChurch Hill (B2030), Caterham
Cycle Steps
1. This is a mixed route, on roads and shingle paths, that has a couple of very steep ascents, but also has some great rolling downhills, which we found made the climbs worthwhile. Do also please note that near the end of the route, as we did it, there is a patch that becomes a tad confusing, due to a sign suggesting No Through Road (but it IS the route to take). The path becomes shingle for a stretch near here, also where it joins the cycle network route, so that section may not be suitable for outright road wheels unless you can handle a bit of rough with them.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Cross-country route. Stanhope Arms just before crossing the M25 does a nice roast and is a good lunch point. There's also a decent stop for a pint at the end, just after you hit Stansted Road on the right-hand side.