Baldock Circular via Weston and Graveley Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameBaldock Circular via Weston and Graveley
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationNortonbury
End LocationNortonbury
Cycle Steps
1. 1.Starting point is a car park at Nortonbury and follows the Letchworth Garden City Greenway track just until you get to Norton Road 2.Very steep at top end of Weston Way, Baldock and Chalk Hills leading to Weston, but then it levels out 3.Once in Graveley follow the signs for the No. 12 cycle route. This takes you off road until you get to Roxley Court in Willian. Bumpy but peaceful! This circuitous route has a mix of terrain but is mostly on road and some hills but only the first one towards Weston is steep.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
At Graveley junction - take the road alongside the Waggon and Horses pub. This pub is a good place for a break/drink or lunch.