Welford 25k Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameWelford 25k
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityThe Wharf, A5199, Welford
Start LocationThe Wharf, A5199, Welford
End LocationThe Wharf, A5199, Welford
Cycle Steps
1. The hybrid view gives a very accurate route. Suggest cycle the route clockwise to maximise the downhill and minimise the uphills. Points to note :- the wooded section just before the Naesby Rd is always heavily rutted with horse hoofprints and walking is the best option. There is a gate as you fly down Hemplow Drive hill but there is an opening to the left - CAUTION needed. The disused railway line is marked Private at the end you join at but is marked Permissive Path at the other. This is nearly identical to another route I published but using the disused railway line avoids the very bumpy canal towpath is about 15 mins quicker. 25 kms - 15.5 miles - 1 hour 22 mins.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
