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Canal routes?
MikZ | 14 Aug 12:52 |
Joined: 14 Aug 2010 Posts: 2 Bike: | G'day, people, Living in Amsterdam around the turn of the century made cycling the primary form of transport for this Aussie, so I can hardly imagine visiting England without at least some bike touring. Nothing on Tour de France scale—I'm a commuter biker!—but I was thinking it would be a nice way to get to see a friend in Oxford while visiting London. I met a bloke here in San Francisco who reckons England built a network of canals just before a rail network became feasible, and that these have cycleways alongside them today. How extensive is that network, and is it a nice way to see the countryside? I've seen a couple of London–Oxford routes posted, and while the hills and traffic don't bother me (I live in San Francisco, and while I like to think of this as separate from the U.S, it's still well and truly California) they do seem to have a lot of fiddly turns. Also, what's the best way to get a bike for a week or so? I'm rather tall (193cm) so rental bikes aren't a serious option for me. Any recommendations for second-hand bike shops in London, especially ones that would be willing to buy a bike back after I've put a couple hundred more kilometres on it? Cheers, MikZ. |
davey56 | 14 Aug 14:17 |
Joined: 28 Feb 2010 Posts: 15 Bike: My Profile | Hi MikZ A good site I use for canal is http://www.towpathtreks.co.uk/Other/index.html give it a look have a look on line for cycle hire you will find there are lots even in your size happy cycling Dave |
Pesmo | 15 Aug 10:32 |
Joined: 17 Jul 2010 Posts: 89 Bike: My Profile | MikZ, A lot of the tow paths are slowly being improved so that you can cycle on them with an ordinary bike. There are some great ones in London and to the north of London that I use. However, there are a good few that have not been improved though and so would need a mountain bike or you would have to walk, so you are right to do your research. A few towpaths still ban cyclists, so you need to conside this as well. In terms of Oxford from London the River Thames navigation does follow that route, although I am not sure what the state of the towpaths are like or any access restrictions. No doubt someone here is better informed than me about that part of the UK. For the canal network you might find this pdf re bikes on canal towpaths useful. As it says some routes are very popular and it can be a bit frustrating sometimes such is the success of some towpaths as cycle routes. http://www.waterscape.com/media/documents/22222.pdf |
MikZ | 21 Aug 01:37 |
Joined: 14 Aug 2010 Posts: 2 Bike: | Thanks, peeps. I'm still not sure if I'm even going to make it to Europe this year, but if I do and I find a good route, I'll be sure to let you know. Cheers, MikZ. |
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