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chopper666's Profile Page

Location : Derbyshire - Other Derbyshire Cyclists
Total Posts : 12
Last Active : 5885 day(s) ago

12/08/2008What Type of Bike?i would agree - a good hybrid. what sort of budget...
12/08/2008What Type of Bike?i would agree - a good hybrid. what sort of budget...
12/08/2008No Motivationmind over matter, get in the right mind set - once...
12/08/2008derby routesanyone got any good road bike routes heading out f...
12/08/2008Howdyi agree, ive just got back into cycling and the tr...
12/08/2008Coast to Cost Routesecond that , i woudl like to see that route!...
12/08/2008Budget racing bikei have just been trying to find a cheap racer on e...
12/08/2008midland coast to coastthat looks pretty good, may have a bash at that wh...
12/08/2008Bike racksi just paid about £40 ish for two roof bike racks...
12/08/2008Hello everyonejust realised i should have put that in "bike shed...

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