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HardRockPro's Profile Page

Location : Tyne and Wear - Other Tyne and Wear Cyclists
Total Posts : 36
Last Active : 4041 day(s) ago
Homepage : http:www.davethorntonphotography.co.uk

25/08/2013Washington to South Sheilds Hi Keith I Can meet up tomorrow (Monday 26th)...
20/08/2013Washington to South Sheilds Hi keithhutch In the process of arranging wo...
17/08/2013Washington to South SheildsOut tomorrow (Sunday 18th) Heworth area up to Cons...
06/05/2013Kielder water ride Bank holiday Monday Hi Keith, Would be interested in future rides l...
17/01/2013South Shields, Tyne & WearThis link should work: 54.973778,-1.440158 copy...
17/01/2013South Shields, Tyne & WearSmall group meet for off road (NCN Cycle route) 20...
10/01/2013Sunday Morning RideSorry will not be out the Sunday (13th) last min p...
03/01/2013A beginner!Hi Sophie, There is a family cycle group that r...
27/12/2012Looking to form new cycle group: Heworth Grange, Felling, Tyne & WearIf anyone is interested Visit: http://www.heworthg...
27/12/2012New cycle group for 2013 - Heworth, Felling, Tyne and Wear If interested Visit: http://www.heworthgrangefam...

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