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Crawley Circuit via Leith Hill and Box Hill Cycle Route

England > West Sussex > Crawley
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameCrawley Circuit via Leith Hill and Box Hill
Distance : miles (km)41.65  (67.03)
Posted Bywakeboarder
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
County/RegionWest Sussex
Start LocationIfield Station, Ifield
End LocationIfield Station, Ifield
Cycle Steps
Leave Ifield station turn left at the lights head for the mini roundabout, turn right and start climbing a gradual hill to Rusper, practice for whats coming, in Rusper turn right and veer off left towards Ockley, turn north up the A24 and then left towards Ockley station at the end of the B2126 turn right head north first major left is the climb to Leith Hill, best have lots of energy here as this is the start of the climb to Surrey's highest point. Near the top at Coldharbour follow the signs for Leith Hill car park and they you go you've done the first hill now the reward, lots of downhill towards the A25 through Abinger Common, turn left, aviod the tempation to turn right as you will be off route. Straight across the A25 and more climbing I'm afraid, to the top of Ravenmore Common, turn left and head towards Dorking 4th left is a scoot round Dorking to aviod the traffic, end of this road turn left towards Box Hill, yep Box Hill last major climb of the day, rock cake and tea awaits you at the top of this though. I cycled out the other end for a massive downhill reward for all that effort climbing crossed the A25 and headed back via Brockham, Newdigate, Rusper and then Ifield
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Ifield station, Rusper, Leith Hill, Ravenmore Common, Box Hill

Near By Cycle Shops
Cycles Dauphin
Pilgrim Cycles
Cycling Clubs located in this region
CTC Horsham and Crawley
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