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London to Winchelsea and Rye Cycle Route

England > London > London
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameLondon to Winchelsea and Rye
Distance : miles (km)75.9  (122.15)
Posted ByCRCope
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Start LocationLambeth Bridge, London
End LocationRailway Station, Rye
Cycle Steps
Hilly but quiet route, London to historic part of South Coast. Return by train from Rye station. Beautiful wooded countryside en route.

Plenty of railway stations en route for a return journey to London if it all gets too tiring!
First and last stages easy, but intermediate hilly. 25% gradient at mile 16, 20% gradients at miles 31 & 54. Last 15 miles downhill and flat along coast.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Bike shop at Kenton (mile 12); and Rye (mile 76).
Cafes at Kenton. Chiddingston (mile 28), Robertsbridge (mile 56). Station cafe at Rye v. sound on bacon sandwiches.

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