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Newsham to Bedlington Bank Circular Cycle Route

England > Northumberland > Bedlington Bank
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameNewsham to Bedlington Bank Circular
Distance : miles (km)7.35  (11.83)
Posted Bygdarbysh
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Town/CityBedlington Bank
Start LocationHumford Woods Car Park
End LocationHumford Woods Car Park
Cycle Steps
Updating this route as it was not quite right when I origionaly placed it.
You can start this route from Humford woods and start with an early climb, then follow the A193 down to the Heathery Lane, follow the Heathery Lane along until you see a road bridge going over the A189 (Spine Road) and heading to some farm buildings.

Turn right along dirt track just before the last large farm house. Turn left at the end of this track and straight on down to Plessey Road, take second exit at roundabout when the road takes a sharp right you turn left, follow road past cottages on your right, you will come to a dirt track turn right and follow track until you pass Asda and come to Bebside roundabout, take Bedlington exit A193 go past Bebside social club and take your next right.

Follow road down to Furnace Bank cross bridge and then turn left on to track which will bring you out at the top of Bedlington Bank.

Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Plenty of drinking establishments on route.

Cycling Clubs located in this region
Swarland Cycling Club
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