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Partridge Green to Henfield and Steyning Loop Cycle Route

England > West Sussex > Horsham
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Cycle Route Details
Route NamePartridge Green to Henfield and Steyning Loop
Distance : miles (km)15.18  (24.43)
Posted Bybullyboy
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
County/RegionWest Sussex
Start LocationPartridge Green, High Street (B2116)
End LocationPartridge Green, High Street (B2116)
Cycle Steps
This is an all road route on mainly A and B roads.
Start in Partridge Green High Street, heading towards Shemanbury. Turn right onto A281 and follow the road to Henfield. Veer off onto the A2037 towards Small Dole and Upper Beeding. Go through Upper Beeding High Street, across the river and out towards the A283. Turn right towards Bramber and go on through Steyning. Turn right onto the B2135 towards Ashurst and back to the finish at Partridge Green.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Many shops/pubs on route inc; The Partridge, The Bull and a number of pubs in Henfield and Upper Beeding.
There is also a cycle shop in Huffwood Trading Estate, Partridge Green.

Cycling Clubs located in this region
CTC Horsham and Crawley
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