1. Starting at the car park of the Coate Water Country Park in Swindon, Wiltshire, taking the path to the along the eastern fence of the park south, until you reach a bridge across the lake. Follow the sign posts for the national cycle path route again due south all the way to the M4, cross the M4, then head east following the path, follow all the way up until you reach a main road on the western side of Chiseldon. Proceed west along the road till you reach a 'STOP' t-junction, at which point turn right, Now go north until the road makes a sharp left, at the right of the phone box there is a path, dismount & carry your bike over the railway sleepers and proceed down the hill, it is quite steep, narrow in places and uneven, take care if new to you. You are now going north back towards the M4, when you reach the bridge, cross then turn left and proceed up the hill, cross the road at the top of the track, use the cycle path, until crossing back over towards the top (follow the Cycle signs). Homeward stretch, proceed along Marlborough Road to the Coate Water round about, cross over (using the lights) and enter Coate Water either via the road way or the path to the right hand side of the hill. |