Bryncethin to Nantymoel via Lewistown Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameBryncethin to Nantymoel via Lewistown
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationHeol yr ysgol, Bryncethin
End LocationA4107, Nantymoel, Bwlch
Cycle Steps
1. This route No.4 is a designated cycle/pedestrian route that passes through Aberkenfig, Bryncethin, Blackmill, Ogmore Vale and ends in Nanty-Moel. This section is rated as 1 in Difficulty due to the flat ride. This section is also about 7-8 miles in length. Due to the track ending at Nanty-moel there is a small ride through COMMERCIAL ST until a flight of steps, near HOWELL ST. At this point you got to lift your bike onto your back and take on the flight of steps which leads to STATION RD. Heading up the Lane you'll start to feel the burn in your quads. This section is rated as 7 because the hill gradient is difficult over a short distance. At the top of this short ride of STATION Rd there is a T-juction where you turn LEFT onto BWLCH-Y-CLAWDD Rd. There is a small Gradient Hill climb, until your reach the Ogmore fresh water Springs. Then the gradient becomes a reasonable climb, up the A4061, and is quite difficult, after the distance travelled so far, therefore I rate this section 7. This section is about 2-3 miles and is the most rewarding section. 10-11 miles distance from Sarn-Bwlch (Nanty-Moel) Note: Ride back is relaxing in comparison. Total 20-22 miles roughly 3 hrs ride, on a mountain bike, at a moderate pace .
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Scenery through this Sarn to Nanty Moel is poor/average due to sections through Housing Estate. However Mostly through Forest Tree Line and Near River. There are a few relaxing public areas for refreshments if you feel it is necessary. Fox and Hounds at Oak Ridge Rd- Blackmill, Wyndham Arms at Wyndham St-Wyndham. At Bwlch-y-Clawdd Rd, if you can break through the mental agony of the Station Rd section, the scenery becomes more revealing and at the Ogmore Fresh Water Springs, there is a delightful sight where the Vale Hills and Forestries are revealed. Scenery for this section is a 8/7 . A good spot for a refill and refresh. At the top of the brow of the A4061 the roads starts to turn and there are paths to the top of the hill, where the view through the vale is wonderful. Rated at 7 Note: More can be adventured on top of the Bwlch, however weather can change rapidly so please take appropiate equiptment and stay aware.