Springfield Chelmsford Chelmer Village Circular Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSpringfield Chelmsford Chelmer Village Circular
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationPump Lane, Chelmsford
End LocationPump Lane, Chelmsford
Cycle Steps
1. This was my first ride around Chelmsford. The roads through Spingfield are reasonable to ride along and not too busy. Cycle path begins at the end of Arun Close and is a nice wide path all the way along the river. I crossed over the river and followed singed towards the town centre and came out by the University. I followed on straight through the town centre, a padestrianised area, turning left at Pizza Express onto a one way street (the wrong way). Turning left at the end towards the cinema and car park head round the back of the car park and back onto the Cycle Route 1. This is a nice path, but not very wide in places running along the river and coming out onto tha A138. I followed the path up into Chelmer Village and To Asda to pick up some shopping (glad to have my panniers on). The back down Chelmer Road and headed north on the path up the A138. Before reaching the roundabout I cut through the rugby/circket field on and came out onto Timpsons Lane, crossing over Springfield Road and onto Sprinfield Green. Turning left onto a Footpath running along the railway line - NOT suitable for cycling along as I dicovered half way down surrounded by nettles and brambles. Dismount and carry on walking behindd Aldi and turn left at the end onto Pump Lane.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Town Centre, River(s), National Cycle Route 1, Asda, Chelmer Village Retail Park
