Seaton Sluice Circular via Holywell and Delaval Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSeaton Sluice Circular via Holywell and Delaval
Cycle Route Location
Town/CitySeaton Sluice
Start LocationLinks Road
End LocationLinks Road
Cycle Steps
1. Leave chipshop carpark head down grassy slope in to earnshaw walk. Follow east side of riverturn left at the stile into holywell dene. Follow river on your left, climb out of the Dene, cross 2nd stile and take the footpath opposite to Holywell village. Follow A192 to Seaton Delaval at the roundabout straight over, follow road to the Keelrow pub on the right. Follow bridle way to new Hartleyat the hartley hastings arms follow Lysdon Ave (straight on) at the top of the road turn left. Head towards Seaton Sluice turn left at the junction cross road onto the cycle path to Seaton Sluice. Turn right at roundabout then cross the bridge chip shop on your right (nice ride if your stuck for time watch for tree roots in the dene)
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Starlight castle, Holywell dene,2 pubs at Holywell, Arrighis world famous icecream parlour, Keel row pub