Aberdeen Loop via Kirkton of Maryculter Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameAberdeen Loop via Kirkton of Maryculter
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionAberdeen City
Start LocationHosefield Avenue, Aberdeen
End LocationHosefield Avenue, Aberdeen
Cycle Steps
1. Leave Hosefield down to Westburn Rd down to King St along to Bridge of Don Inn turn right onto the beach (sand) behind Royal Aberdeen Golf Club (give up and go through Royal Aberdeen Golf Club back onto rd) then back onto King St and turn left onto Links Rd all the way to the end at Fitdee head along the docks and left onto Market St up to Torry and across onto Victoria Rd turn left and head up to the Torry battery keep going till you head up to the old city dump and head straight till you get to Cove go round Cove the back way and up to the Charlston fly over down the main rd and back towards Maruculter. find your way to Story Book Glen and across the Amryculter Bridge and up to the old railway line keep going on the railway line untill the end turn left and head to the Ferryhill Inn for a pint then back n the bike up Bon Accord St up Union St round to the grammer school and up Rosemount back to Hosefield then collapse.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Ferrhill pub, lots of hills, Deeside Golf Club, Nigg Bay Golf Club, Royal Aberdeen Golf Club
