Circular(ish) Off Road Route to Nottingham and Back From Trent Lock Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameCircular(ish) Off Road Route to Nottingham and Back From Trent Lock
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityTrent Lock
Start LocationTrent Lock
End LocationNottingham
Cycle Steps
1. A really easy totally flat 100% off-road route to Nottingham and back following the River Trent and Beeston Canal. From Trent Lock head east along the river bank hugging the north bank of the river all the way to Trent Bridge. Half way there you reach Beeston Marina and the junction with the Beeston Canal. Cross the canal on the bridge and turn right to continue following the river to Nottingham. Go under Trent Bridge and continue for 50 yards until you reach the Beeston Canal, cross over and then turn left and follow the towpath all the way back to Beeston Marina. From here retrace your route back to Trent Bridge, although for variation you can explore the trails around Attenborough Nature Reserve to make the route more circular. The circular section from Beeston Marina to Nottingham and back is known as the 'Big Track', details can be found on the following website. This route can be linked to the route linked below from Derby to Trent Lock and create a 45 mile virtually traffic route circular route from Derby to Nottingham and back. Derby Circular via Trent Lock Cycle Route
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Trent Lock pubs, Attenborough Nature Centre (excellent food), Canal side Pubs near the Railway station in Nottingham, cafe at Beeston Marina and the Trip to Jerusalem pub in Nottingham.