Chatham to Sheppey Crossing Circular Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameChatham to Sheppey Crossing Circular
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationMaidstone Rd, Chatham Train Station
End LocationMaidstone Rd, Chatham Train Station
Cycle Steps
1. For cylocross / MTB or something similar. From Chatham to the Strand Park in Gillingham. Single track to the Riverside Country Park where you pick up the Saxon Shore Way. Through the park towards Motney Hill. Here it gets a bit tricky. At the end of the peninsula you need to dismount and carry your bike across the mouth of a creek. It's entirely possible and safe at low tide. The ground is rocky and hard. Up the other side and following the shore line round to Lower Halstow. Here you join the tarmac again until you can rejoin the Saxon Shore Way just off Raspberry Hill Lane. Following the yellow path markers will take you to the edge of the Swale. From here it's a straightish run down to the Sheppey Crossing. The route back is simpler and follows B roads most of the way back to Lower Rainham. It's a nice rural ride with a few hills on the way but nothing too taxing if you're reasonably fit.Once you're through Lower Rainham it's up to Watling Street across the top of Gillingham, down Chatham Hill (fast!) and the home run to the station.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
There are shops and a pub in Iwade if your need food / drink / rest before the trip back.