Peterborough to Oundle and Stibbington Loop Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NamePeterborough to Oundle and Stibbington Loop
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationThorpe Meadows Car Park (off A1179)
End LocationThorpe Meadows Car Park (off A1179)
Cycle Steps
1. This is a route that is mostly on road, with a very small section of footpath. As this has to be walked it is still suitable for road bikes. Heading out of Peterborough on cycle lanes then onto quiet country lanes to the market town of Oundle which has shops and cafes. Then along back roads to Wansford and down to Stibbington via a bridge over the A1 (transport cafe at Stibbington). Cross over the Nene Valley Railway bridge and carry your bicycle down a flight of stairs. There is then a half mile section of footpath which you can wheel your bicycle. This is well signed, firm and dry in summer. At the end of this is a style which will require you to lift you bicycle over. From here follow quiet roads from Sutton to Castor and then through Ferry Meadows Country Park, along side the railway track back to the start.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Shops at Oundle. Transport cafe and steam railway at Stibbington.