1. From Marchwood follow Main Rd all the way to a T junction. At the T junction go straight over and follow the path to the pavement alongside the A326.
Turn left and follow the pavement until you reach a roundabout, where you can cross the A326 and find a road into the New Forest.
Follow this road and take the first left, which will bring you into the Beaulieu Estate. Continue on until you get to the B3056 T Junction.
Turn left onto the B3056 and follow it past the Beaulieu Motor Museum, on your left. Shortly, turn left, then right into Beaulieu Village High Street.
At the end of the road, go left on the B3054, for a long uphill ride to Hatchetts Pond.
At Hatchetts Pond turn around and go back down the long downhill ride, on the B3054, towards Beaulieu Village. Head out of the village on Palace Lane, B3054. Go up a steep hill and continue all the way along the B3054 until you reach the A326 roundabout.
Don't take the A326!, but cross it at the crossing and go left down the old Roman Road.
Follow this road all the way back to the roundoabout where you previously turned into the New Forest. Now retrace your ride back via the pavement and Main Road back into Marchwood. |