Southampton to Gosport Triple Loop Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSouthampton to Gosport Triple Loop
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationSouthampton
End LocationSouthampton
Cycle Steps
1. This is a road route, on a mix of roads, but looping round quiet roads as much as possible. It also has a few steep climbs and descents, making this a varied route ideal for sportive training. It passes through three partial loops, that use the A27 as the link between them and the closing leg of the first and third loop. The first loop starts in Butt's Road and heads towards the coast, past Mayfield Park. It then passes through Netley and Hamble and up to the A27. However rather than closing the loop, head along the A27 towards Fareham and turn off towards Sarisbury to start the second loop. This loop goes through Sarisbury Green and Warsash, but rather than closing, links directly into the third loop off the Warsash Road towards Titchfield. The third loop goes down to the Solent, along through Lee-on-Solent and into Gosport. It returns via Farham and Titchfield, turning back onto the Warsash Road to close this loop. You then take the Hunts Pond Road through Park Gate and the A27 to close off the second loop. The A27 is then followed back into Southampton and the A3024 takes you back to Butt's Road and finish, closing of the first loop. The three loops do offer lots of options to put variations of distance and direction into this route.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Titchfield Haven, Solent Cycles (Lee on Solent), Peter Hansford (Park Gate)