Marsden to Huddersfield and Meltham Loop Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameMarsden to Huddersfield and Meltham Loop
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionWest Yorkshire
Start LocationManchester Road (A62), Marsden
End LocationManchester Road (A62), Marsden
Cycle Steps
1. This is a training ride that I do regularly. It is basically a road route, on A and B roads, with a number of challenging climbs. The route starts with a 3 mile climb out of Marsden up to Standedge Cutting, on the A62. You then run back down the A62 through Marsden and on into Huddersfield. From Huddersfield to Meltham is a steady climb, however, within this, the climbs become challenging into Netherton and into Meltham. The challenging climb then contiues out of Meltham to Marsden. The route takes me about an hour and a half to complete, at what I consider to be a nice steady pace.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Bike shop in Meltham