Derby to High Peaks Black Rocks Trail Circuit Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameDerby to High Peaks Black Rocks Trail Circuit
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationMarketplace, Tenant Street, Derby
End LocationBlack Rocks, Matlock
Cycle Steps
1. This is a mixed route that, although it starts on the road, is mainly on cycle paths, with a mix of large hills, small hills, steep gradients and flat surfaces. It also has great scenery and is great for training towards tackling longer or indeed for more challenging routes. On this ride it is normal to do a reverse of the route, so its A to B then B to A. As a result everything is double, and climbs going out become downhills on the way back. The route initially follow the A52 from Derby to Ashbourne. Turn off the A52 at the Ashbourne roundabout and head into Ashbourne on the Derby Road. Pick up the A515 to head back out of Ashbourne. Turn left onto North Avenue, B5035, and right onto Mapleton Road. Turn right off Mapleton Road into a car park area. You now follow a cycle path trails all the way to the B point on the map, which takes you on the Tissington and High Peak (Black rocks) trails. At point B take a rest and then follow the route back to Derby. This is a great route, which I recomend, as I ride it all the time.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Multiple shops on route (Well spaced out) Bike shops, (Tissington Trail start & High peak Junction) Cafe's