1. Start on eastgate cycle to junction of Hurdletree bank, take a right. At next staggered junction go straight ahead.
At next T junction take a left towards Moulton Chapel, carry on through Moulton Chapel towards Cowbit.
Carry straight on over the A1073. Take next left onto Back Gate at next T junction take a left onto old Crowland Road, take next left onto Queens Bank, this is a nice stretch of tarmac to give it some beans. Just after turning onto Queens Bank you will cross over the new A16 this is a good stop point.
Carry straight on to a sharp left bend then staright on again, this stretch the road surface is a bit rough and bumpy. Carry straight on to a sharp right turn, surface here is broken.
Carry on through the S bends, past Randal bank on left, past Stennetts Farm on right. Take 2nd turn on left Millgate. Carry straight on to top and take a right onto main road, there is slightly more traffic on this road but still fairly light. Take right turn at Cranesgate North carry on this road back to start point. Hope you enjoyed the ride? |