Seine Le Havre to Grand Couronne Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSeine Le Havre to Grand Couronne
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityLe Havre
Start LocationAv Lucien Corbeaux
End LocationAv Lucien Corbeaux
Cycle Steps
1. The route follows minor routes from the Ferry terminal along the river. The end point is convenient for a fist night stop. The tricky bit is getting out of Le Harve - this route is good as it avoids motorways but can be busy with heavy lorries - there are bits of cycle lane along parts leading up to the Pont De Normandie - there are cycle lanes and its free. Minor routes are signposted and numbered - useful to remember the next village and the route number. Fantastic views from the banks - esp on approach to Vieux Port and going around Marais Vernier. Some short steep climbs on the route. The Bacs are free.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Follows the locally signposted route des Chaumières and Route des fruits. Pont De Normandie, World Heritage site Le Harve, Views of the river, pretty villages, big ships on the river, Junieges Abbey. Boucles de Seine National Park, Foret de Brotonne