Isleworth to St Pauls Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameIsleworth to St Pauls
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationIsleworth station
End LocationSt Paul's cathedral
Cycle Steps
1. My every day commuter route to Central London from Isleworth. Takes about an hour. The route is a compromise between speed and safety. I dont love the Holland Park Road section due to traffic (you can avoid it using backstreets but it's slow). There is another way through Hyde park but the route is shared with pedestrians and I had a very bad accident with another bike on this route so I would prefer to use the more defined cycle path around the north of the park rather than cut right through. A more obvious route goes through Hammersmith but I haven't yet found a safe way around the Hammersmith roundabout so don't like to use it every day but that route is probably quicker. Difficulty rating is due to traffic density. Embankment can be great or can be a nightmare!
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Lots! Buckingham Palace. Route goes close to Parliment/big ben.