Crab and Winkle Way Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameCrab and Winkle Way
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationWhitstable Harbour
End LocationCantebury
Cycle Steps
1. This is part makes up part of the Inverness to Dover cycle route provided by the National Cycle Network. It uses in parts a dismantled railway line and provides much to see along the way.
2. Starting in Whitstable Harbour turn right on to Harbour Street. Cycling along take the 2nd exit on your left on to Albert Street.
3. Cycle to the end of Albert Street and go round the 90 degree bend to the right head on to Action Road. Turn left at the end and head straight on, crossing the road and heading under the railway.
4. Once through the tunnel turn left and cycle until you come back onto the road, on your right you will see Seymour Avenue. Turn right and cycle along Seymour Avenue.
5. Take the first left on to All Saints' Close. Keep your eyes peeled for the track on the left that takes you on to Crab and Winkle Way.
6. Keep cycling along the path until you come on to South Street. Cycle along South Street, just after the layby on your right take the route off South Street heading south and crossing the A299.
7. You will now come back on to the dismantled railway line in the Clowes Wood. Keep heading south and you will come to the Winding Pond and Winding Wheel Seat. This was apparently where they wound the locomotives up the hill.
8. The route veers off to the right here heading out the forest. Staying on the track you will eventually cross over Chapel Lane and Tyler Hill Road where major production of tiles and pottery during the 13th and 14th centuries due to the great supply of materials.
9. After crossing Fishbourne Stream, shortly after you will arrive at the corner of Park Wood Road. Turn left here and cycle on to the next T-Junction. Turn right again and then first left on to the roundabout.
10. Take the first exit onto the track that leads you to Leycroft Road. Head along Leycroft Road turn left at the T-Junction and then first right on to St Stephen's Green leading on to St Stephen's Road.
11. After crossing the bridge over the railway turn right on to North Lane. Cycle to the end of North Lane turning left on to Whitehill road and then first right heading back over the railway onto Queens Drive.
12. Head off the end of Queens Drive under London Road and heading left once on Westgate Court Avenue on to the path.
13. This will bring you up passed Neal's Place. Looking East at this point you get a fantastic view of Cantebury.
14. Carry along the path on to the road. Turn left on to the main road and then pass the first exit on your right to Giles Lane and take the path on your right shortly after. This will take you back on to the path heading back to Whitstable.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
If you can have lunch in Whitstable, you have to try the Oysters. Cantebury is of course full of Cathedrals and Museums. Clowes Wood is managed by the Foresty Commission which usually means there is lots of cycle tracks to experiment with.