1. 1: Head out Gestingthorpe following directions to Belchamp Otten.
2: Continue to Belchamp St Pauls, Following signs to Pentlow.
3: Follow to Foxearth, After Foxearth turn left to Glemsford, Following road through Liston to Melford.
4: head up melford high street turning Left got Great Waldingfeild.
5: Follow signs to Edwardstone.
6 Follow signs to Boxsted
7: Cross Main road, follow signs to Assington.
8: Follow signs to Bures
9: cross Stour follow signes to Lamarsh
10: 500m afer Lamarsh turn Left to Twinsted.
11:Follow Wickham St Paul.
12: Follow to Hedingham, turning off to Gestingthorpe |