Kirknewton, Blinkbonny, Kirknewton Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameKirknewton, Blinkbonny, Kirknewton
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationKirknewton
End LocationKirknewton
Cycle Steps
1. This ride starts out with a climb up Leyden Brae followed, after a short stretch on the A70, by a descent ascent up to Red Moss near Threipmuir reservoir to where it's worth taking a short detour. I suppose the whole climb might be a thousand feet from Kirknewton but I've never checked it. Then it's a fast descent until you turn right up the Harlaw Road, an easier climb back up to more or less the same altitude. From here it's a breeze, particularly the top half of Currie Kirk Brae which needs good brakes or you'll lose a few fillings on the disgraceful state of this (what feels like) forty-five degree slope. After Blinkbonny it almost fels like a free-wheel along Dalmahoy Road back to Kirknewton. A good workout with great views of the Forth valley from the high points and the occasional glorious lungful of farmyard air.
Landmarks/Sites to see?