Tudhoe Village Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameTudhoe Village
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityTudhoe Village
Start LocationTudhoe Village
End Locationtudhoe village
Cycle Steps
1. not the longest of rides but a really good work out to get fitness levels and strength up. constantly up & down for the first 30 mls with only 1 significant climb up to Woodlands. then it starts properly with moorland roads all the way to Stanhope, including Bollihope climb. then drop into Stanhope, then out again via Crawleyside (steep and long). drop down to A68 before climbing again all the way to Tow Law before heading home with heavy legs. great ride, although I do need to find alternative last 20 ls to get rid of the A68 part (crap road surface and too busy with traffic). lots of options along the way to add / subtract mileage as you find out what the weather and your legs are throwing at you.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
