Medway East Kent Circuit Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameMedway East Kent Circuit
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityWoodlands Road, Gillingham, Kent.
Start LocationWoodlands Road, Gillingham, Kent.
End LocationWoodlands Road, Gillingham, Kent.
Cycle Steps
1. Down Chatham Hill into Chatham, Up Maidstone Road, Down Blubell Hill (cyclepath available side of road), Left towards Bearstead (minor road), A20 to Lenham, thence Charing. Up Charing Hill (pedal or walk?) Down hill to Challock roundabout and the Halfway House for food and beer, Chilham then left through Thanington (Thanington church has very old gravestones with readable inscriptions and seats sheltred from the rain/sun) Into Canterbury, past West Gate to Whitstable Road (Long hill)or follow Crab and Winkel cycle route to Whitstable (pub on High St does ace cooked breakfast and London Pride), Seasalter road Past Graveny Church (seat with rain/sun shelter) Love lane to Favesham (Sun Inn does good food), Follow A2 through Sittingbourne past cafe at Hartlip Hill to Ranham thence Gilligham, Kent. Take panniers in Autumn for picking roadside fruit. Have Fun!
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Canterbury Cathedral, Graveny Chrurch, Thanington Church