1. Start @ Hartford Church in direction of Northwich, turn left @ traffic lights onto Bradburns La, @ end turn right, take 1st left, @ end turn right (Winnington Ave, @ lights turn left, @ lights over river & turn right onto Soot Hill, follow to Marbury Garden Ctr, turn right past Garden Ctr into Marbury Country Park. (In Marbury & Anderton country Parks there are various routes you can take, you want to end up by the Anderton Boat Lift car park). I usually use the tracks that run along the side of the lake/rivers/canal signed to Anderton Boat Lift/Park, @ car park take the track to the river back into the park, go along river bank (away from Boat Lift), take bridge over river signed Northwich Ctr, follow signs to Northwich & exit park near Halfords, turn left onto road, follow over 1 roundabout & @ next roundabout take 2nd exit (Chester Way/Manchester Rd), turn right A530 Griffiths Rd, @ roundabout A556 turn right, follow go over The Blue Bridge & turn right @ traffic lights onto School La, back to Hartford church. |