Lutterworth Loop ~40 Miles Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameLutterworth Loop ~40 Miles
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationLutterworth
End LocationLutterworth (loop)
Cycle Steps
1. For ease i've started this by the Elms pub, from here there is off road cycle track into Walcote, the remainder is all on very quiet country lanes, apart from a short section into Welford, which is downhill and mainly in 30mph limit. There is a lot of up/downhill, including a steep hill at Gumley, as you come down from saddington (fast downhill) it's very easy to miss the right hand turn as the signpost is in a bush. A lot of this route is on national cycle routes 50 and 6, but I've diverted off at Foxton to form the loop. Most of the roads have good surface with very light traffic, but the amount of ascent makes me grade it a 7
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Lots of pubs on route and Lutterworth cycle centre nearby