Kesgrave Countryside Circular Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameKesgrave Countryside Circular
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityKesgrave A1214 Bell pub
Start LocationKesgrave A1214 Bell pub
End LocationKesgrave A1214 Bell pub
Cycle Steps
1. Turn into Ropes drive cycle path, just after Tescos Express, then turn right and almost immediate left on cycle path. This will sign you to Martlesham back of Gorseland school Through tiny town centre where find few shops in square just to left of cycle path Cross A12 on pedestrian/ cycle bridge just off of Eagle way ( this is a bit hidden) sign posted on you left. Past kingpin and turn left . Short way straight over onto cycle preference road ( most drivers are fine and understand cycle right of way). Head past back of large Tescos turning right at T. towards Woodbridge, then left at round about towards A12. Busy road can be avoided by not too bad cycling on path far side. Left at road past Wyvales and short distance left again towards Great Bealings/ playford. Stretch to T left here. Mid Tuddenham take right to Westerfield on single traffic lane where at end take left. T turn right and immed left into Humber Doucy lane. Right towards Rushmere St Andrew.Through and then left, before right into Dr Watson lane before returning to A1214 to the pub turn left
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Don't attempt at rush hours it's a rat run for Ipswich commuters. Kesgrave parish Church, All Saints ( adjacent to Bell Pub) is open in day light hours for a moment to collect thoughts, find a peaceful space for personal prayer should you wish..