Mr Michael J Grierson Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameMr Michael J Grierson
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityAtherstone Station Street Car Park
Start LocationAtherstone Station Street Car Park
End LocationAtherstone Station Street Car Park
Cycle Steps
1. A generally quick flat 15 mile loop with a steep 2 mile 10% climb from Mancetter up to Ridge Lane. The car park is free at time of publishing. Take your time at the Coleshill Road round about, then within 5 minutes you are out of town. Becareful crossing the A5 on the way down from Drayton Lane left and right onto Woodford Lane. Fairly busy road in front of planters into Mancetter.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
A scenic loop of flat arable land north of the A5 and heavily wooded ridge on the south of the A5.