Meadows Ride Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameMeadows Ride
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityWhale Arts Agency
County/RegionEdinburgh City
Start LocationWhale Arts Agency
End LocationWhale Arts Agency
Cycle Steps
1. Start at Whale Arts Agency on Westburn Grove head to south east on Westburn Ave and then take second right turn to Westburn middlefield. Ride till Middleknowe take right turn heading North and take the cycle path towards Fountain bride or North East on NCR 754 till Leamington Bridge. Take right turn then left and right into Lower Gilmore Place and then left Gilmore Place till we hit the T junction on Leven St. Take right turn and then left into Valleyfield st towards Meadows. Return on same route with a very few changes
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Leamington Bridge, King's Theatre.