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Redhill Loop via Caterham and Bletchingley Cycle Route

England > Surrey > Redhill train station
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameRedhill Loop via Caterham and Bletchingley
Distance : miles (km)19.52  (31.41)
Posted ByR Fleming
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Town/CityRedhill train station
Start LocationRedhill train station, Redhill
End LocationRedhill train station, Redhill
Cycle Steps
Easy loop from Redhill train station along bridleways, footpaths and part of the No. 21 national cycle route.

I have included a wrong turn I did down to Caterham. I thought I'd leave it in because it's a massive hill where you can get some real speed up on the way down and then a challenging climb back up.

You can obviously avoid this by cutting out the double back...
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
No. 21 national cycle route, Bletchingley Golf Club

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